Marketing offer hero imgpublish to website, facebook, instagram

Marketing Offers

Give Incentives To Your Patients With Marketing Offers

Easily create and distribute marketing offers - no coding, no design, no writing skills required.

How it works


Enter details of the offer


Pick from a library of pre-designed offer templates


Select the channels for distribution and push the offer

Create offers in minutes

Select the type of offer and add details like the amount of discount, terms and conditions and set the period for which the offer is to be run.

Create offers

Choose from 100s of pre-designed templates

Pick offer templates from a rich library of templates customized for your specialty and the services you provide.

Easily distribute marketing offers

Add marketing offers to various channels in a suitable format without any effort.
Highlight them as pop-ups on websites, posts on social media, and incentives on recall campaigns.

Marketing offer hero imgpublish to website, facebook, instagram